LUBIRC Breakfast Seminars
Monthly seminars for researchers across the university, as well as our collaboration partners in industry and other institutes, to come together.
Each month, LUBIRC holds a breakfast seminar on a different topic of interest to our collaboration network. This includes new science and research in our areas of interest, but also talks by industry representatives, or on wider aspects of sustainability in society and the research community.
Usually held on the first Friday of every month at 8.30, fika is provided. Under the current circumstances, our breakfast seminars are online only. We hope to resume in person at the Chemical Centre as soon as it is possible to do so.
Find out more about our Seminar Series
If you would like to join the regular mailing list, come and speak at a seminar, or would like to know more please contact the LUBIRC Coordinator, Josefin Ahlqvist.

Josefin Ahlqvist
Email: josefin [dot] ahlqvist [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se
Telephone: 046 222 4118
Mobile: 0760 247898
Medicon Village, Scheeletorget 1
223 63 LUND